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Homophones are words that sound the same but have different spellings and different meanings.

To, Too, Two

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to too two.png

Its, It's

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Its is a possessive pronoun.

Its is a contraction for "it is."

Your, You're

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Your is a possessive pronoun.

You're is a contraction for "you are."

There, Their, They're

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There is a preposition to indicate place.

Their is a pronoun that shows possession.

They're is a contraction for "they are."

Were, We're

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were were.jpg

Whose, Who's

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Whose is a possessive pronoun.

Who's is a contraction for "who is."

Then, Than

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Then is for telling the order that something happened.

"He was late to class, then he got d-hall."

Than is for comparing things.

"He is smarter than she is."

Loose, Lose

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These are pronounced differently.

Loose has an S sound.

"My shoes are loose."

Lose has a Z sound.

"Don't lose my phone."

Compliment, Complement

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Compliment is when you say something nice about somebody.

Complement (as a verb) means to add to or improve something.

"That scarf really complements your outfit."

Which, Witch, -wich

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"Which" is an interrogative pronoun. It asks a question.

"Witch" is a magical woman that shows up around Halloween.

The suffic "wich" goes after sand to make the word sandwich.

which witch.jpg

Accept, Except

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Accept means to receive something.

"I accepted the award."

Except means to exclude something.

"I like all of my teacher except for...."

Breathe, Breath

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Breathe is a verb. It's what you do.

Breath is a noun. It's what you hold.

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